
Resurrection is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dramatically illuminated by a series of fine art paintings, Alister McGrath’s new volume seeks to engage both the mind and the imagination as he explores the great and extraordinary affirmation: ‘Christ is risen!’ Poetry, prayer, and theological reflection are interwoven with commentary on the ideas conveyed through works such as Maurice Denis’s Holy Women at the Tomb, He Qi’s On the Road to...

‘Christ is risen!’ This great Christian affirmation, the centrepiece of the Easter gospel, is so familiar to many of us that we rarely pause to reflect on it. The New Testament sets us alongside the disciples as they slowly and cautiously grasp the theologically impossible—that God has raised Christ from the dead in a specific place, at a specific point of history. And having accepted the impossible, they cannot stop there. For lying beyond that recognition is an uncharted sea of possibilities
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